The Pirate Bay、検察より4,000ページのリーガルドキュメントをプレゼントされる

スウェーデン検察Håkan Roswallが、世界最大のBitTorrentトラッカーThe Pirate Bayを1月末日までに告訴すると宣言してから、早2ヶ月、その1月末日までもうわずかとなっている。
Ars TechnicaがThe Pirate Bayの管理人、Peter Sundeにインタビューしたところによると、

Time hasn't changed his feelings on the charges, as we checked in with the Sunde. "I'm quite sure we won't be convicted anyhow," Sunde told Ars today. "[If we are], we'll just appeal all the way to the European Union court. So in five years time this might be settled."

Sunde also accused Roswall of having a vendetta against The Pirate Bay. "The prosecutor decided before the raid that he was going to charge us," Sunde said. "He has until the last of January to press charges."

Swedish prosecutors dump 4,000 legal docs on The Pirate Bay | Ars Technica


According to Sunde, he and the other potential codefendants just received over 4,000 pages of material related to the investigation from the prosecutors. "He doesn't want us to have enough time to even read through the material. To compare: the second-biggest murder case in Sweden had 1,500 pages of documentation."

また、Arsによると、たとえ来るべき裁判に検察側が勝利しても、既に世界中に拡散してしまったThe Pirate Bayのサーバ群をスウェーデン政府が止める術はないという。