今年のCESで行われた"The True Cost of DRM: What Can't We Do Now?"と題されたDRMに関するディスカッションについての記事。
In a discussion called "The True Cost of DRM: What Can't We Do Now?" moderated by Paul Sweeting of Content Agenda, four panelists had different takes on impact of DRM over the past decade, while managing to agree that, when it comes to music, DRM is indeed dead.
Ian Rogers began by making the pronouncement that DRM is done when it comes to music. "When it comes to music, we're set," he said. "Next question: do we have to go through all of this nonsense with video?"
DRM (on music) is dead. Long live DRM (on video)! - Ars Technica
EFFのvon Lohmannはそれに「Yes」と答える。ユーザはあまりに強固なDRMのために困っている、DRMは海賊行為のためなどではなく、競争をコントロールし、(既存産業の)崩壊をもたらすイノベーションを阻害するためのものである、と主張している。
興味深いことにアンチパイラシー企業MediaDefenderのJonathan Leeはそれに同意する。
"DRM is not an antipiracy tool," he said. "What we've seen in P2P networks is that DRM hasn't slowed it down at all. It just takes one person to crack it and it spreads virally... DRM and lawsuits really haven't changed the population, throughput, or bandwidth that is being consumed."