調査はUKTVゴールドが3000人を対象に実施した。 〔AFP=時事〕
The canvass of 3,000 under-twenties uncovered an extraordinary paucity of basic historical knowledge that older generations take for granted.
Winston Churchill didn't really exist, say teens - Telegraph
Nearly one in four young Britons believe Winston Churchill and Florence Nightingale are myths while more than half think Sherlock Holmes actually existed, according to a poll.
::: u.tv
according to the survey of 3,000 under-20s commissioned to celebrate UKTV Gold`s forthcoming Robin Hood season.
Fifty-eight per cent believe Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for his 1880s novels, actually lived in Baker Street, the survey of 3,000 people for UKTV found.
Britons think Winston Churchill and Florence Nightingale are myths - Mirror.co.uk
さらにThe Daily Mailでは「全国民」って言葉を用いていたりする。
A quarter of the population think that Winston Churchill never actually existed, a survey suggests.
Challenge Churchill! One in four think Winnie didn't exist (but Sherlock Holmes did) | the Daily Mail
何とも判断がつかないので、調査を行ったUKTV Goldのサイトを見てみることにする。
The study, specially commissioned by UKTV Gold, tested the nation on its historical knowledge by asking 3,000 people a series of questions relating to famous factual and fictional characters.
UKTV Gold: Drama & Sci-fi: Is Robin real?
The research showed that the nation's under 20s are lacking the most when it comes to basic historical knowledge. Over one fifth (21%) thought Winston Churchill, arguably Britain's most famous Prime Minister, was a work of fiction, and over a quarter (27%) thought pioneering nurse Florence Nightingale was a mythical figure.
Top ten historical figures that the British public thinks are myths
UKTV Gold: Drama & Sci-fi: Is Robin real?
1) Richard the Lionheart – 47%
2) Winston Churchill – 23%
3) Florence Nightingale – 23%
4) Bernard Montgomery – 6%
5) Boudica - 5%
6) Sir Walter Raleigh – 4%
7) Duke of Wellington - 4%
8) Cleopatra - 4%
9) Gandhi – 3%
10) Charles Dickins - 3%
- 作者: 門倉貴史
- 出版社/メーカー: 光文社
- 発売日: 2006/10/17
- メディア: 新書
- 購入: 18人 クリック: 269回
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「社会調査」のウソ―リサーチ・リテラシーのすすめ (文春新書)
- 作者: 谷岡一郎
- 出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋
- 発売日: 2000/06/01
- メディア: 新書
- 購入: 47人 クリック: 513回
- この商品を含むブログ (216件) を見る